These two concepts make up a fraction of your life and how you choose to live it. They can break you or make you, be your friend or your enemy.

If you are hard on yourself and feel like you are always under the bar with the potential you have and could be doing so much more, I have formulated a few steps for you to write down, think about and plan ahead so you can feel fulfilled in your life’s purpose.

Step I. Make a category and list on it “what is important to me?” on the other side of your paper or under, list, “what is not important to me?”, now after you have filled up the list with at least five or more things, you can ask yourself, “what am I doing more of?” or “what energy is going into each category more?”.

Step II. You have now put on paper what you are doing in everyday life that you might not be doing and you would like to do more of, you can ease yourself into baby steps and ask yourself, “what baby steps can I take to rearrange my lifestyle?”, I always like to remember the quote, “energy grows where focus flows”, so, whatever you are focusing on the most the energy there will blossom more. You can turn your focus on something else instead. If you break it down it seems more simple than rather bottling everything up and exploding with frustration on yourself!

Step III. Pick the one idea you would like to achieve that seems the most simple because if you start with something big and you don’t accomplish it, you will feel doubtful at the rest of your ideas. Start with just one and focus entirely on it every day. Get pumped, do something in the morning to get the creative funnel going, maybe something physical like yoga or working out as it releases endorphins and motivation for more space to create.

Step IV. Release all distractions- Forget about what you think you’re missing out on or who you are missing out on. It’s better to be fulfilled by the creation of your own than to stuff it down with minimum fun for a night. Working and progressing on yourself is truly the most beautiful gift we are given in this day and age. It’s best to take full advantage. Before you decide to go out or do something ask yourself if it will benefit you in any way.

Feeling like you are always striving to over-achieve? Not to worry. Here Take these steps for clarity!

Step I. Take deep breaths, give yourself a treat, walk barefoot in nature (it really does cure you), grab a notebook and pencil, sit down somewhere with no distractions.

Step II. Write down everything you are accomplishing or have accomplished. Realize that there is no competition or no one to beat. It’s all your own journey and no one else’s. There is no need to try to get ahead of anyone, you’re just making an illusion come to fruition from your thoughts. Look at how far you have come.

Step III. Remember how you wished to be where you are now? Take your time and don’t overdo it. Your body and mind need a break at times and you deserve to give it that. You deserve to feel good and take the time for yourself, maybe just a couple of hours or two. There is enough time for you if you want there to be. It can expand for you and it will if you let it. It’s all about how you manage it. Maybe try to incorporate an hour or two solely on being mindful and being aware of your breath, doing some stretching or calling someone you love. You don’t need to put all the weight on your shoulders if someone is there to listen, you should take that and be open to release.

We’re all doing our best but, sometimes life just happens and we deal with certain situations in different ways. Whether it is good or bad it’s important to implement habits now that benefit us in all forms instead of waiting forever to have someone save us or wait for a miracle to happen. It really is all up to us to figure it out. Once you realize how lucky we are to have this body and mind we can go full force and take advantage of how it works. Remember how strong and creative and beautiful you are. It’s always all within you. It never leaves, you decide to awaken yourself from the chains you hold present in your mind and create a new reality for yourself. It’s only your thoughts and your thoughts can be altered if you choose to do so.