
self wellness

Self-wellness is one of the kindest, most caring, acts we can do for ourselves in this day and age. But the question seems to stand with different people for what it means to them and how they can benefit from it – whether it’s to boost your mental health, take you on a journey of […]



Every inch I move, I am coming back home, The expression of life coursing through my veins, Breath To express itself through movement, Breath The voice perpetuates in physicality, Breath The birth of a new life Breath The passing of one’s expired notions Continues

Victory! Victory! Victory!


Victory! Seems to echo throughout my body, How ironic as it’s the fourth of July, There’s a celebration happening between my mind and my heart, Fireworks, cheering, a peace treaty to my (over) thinking and countless withdraws, I feel my face glow with euphoria, I celebrate today of my own victory, For taking the time […]

Why Do I Hate Men? To all My Ladies: Be the Mirror

Why Do I Hate Men

*Disclaimer* I don’t in any way, hate men. Sometimes I would find myself saying these things and I thought, there is a root to this problem, there is a solution. It’s not just my problem either, It’s society, too. If someone rubs you the wrong way, precisely the male species, do you find yourself at […]

Old jacket

Oh for I wish I could make friends with time, What’s the matter? Not enough paint to make up your pain, Pretend like it didn’t exist, These tears tell me a different story, Overwhelmed, overwhelmed, All I wanted to do was take care of you, Can I tell you a story of the girl who […]

Bulletproof Recipe For Disaster: Control


Plans don’t fall through, you don’t receive that text message, that highway may be blocked and you have to take a detour, you can’t find parking, you have to wait somewhere for two more hours or maybe you drove to the store just to find out they don’t have any more of your FAVORITE face […]

Under-Achieving or Over- Achieving? Both Costs Your State of Mind

These two concepts make up a fraction of your life and how you choose to live it. They can break you or make you, be your friend or your enemy. If you are hard on yourself and feel like you are always under the bar with the potential you have and could be doing so […]