Is it hard for you to get up in the mornings? It seems like no matter what you do you need some type of energy boost, you can blame the weather, the people around you or most certainly you could bash yourself for not getting enough sleep last night, but let’s face it. It’s was and still is all up to you. You hit the snooze a couple of times, only to admit that you are wishing the day away to sleep more, instead, you grab a cup of your favorite coffee or tea (I am aware of the fact that sometimes I still do this!), everything seems to be going smoothly until you get that evening crash. What do you do again? You repeat this process!

How can we enter into a better boost naturally?

Gratitude, with a pinch of affirmations and a splash of mantras, will do the trick to wake you up and give you the best thrill and a surge of excitement to start your day, with no coffee or tea needed. I say this out of the pure experience and let me add it is a different experience almost every time. As you gain more clarity and focus on what you want to do with the day, you end up with a vibrant way of looking at the world around you, even if it seems cloudy outside. Remember…sunshine is a state of mind.

How can you add this to your daily life even if you’re short on time?

  1. Carry a journal or write in your phone 5-10 things you’re grateful for every day, each day try to find something new, it will get easier as you see the world with new eyes.
  2. What do you want to bring more of into your life? Add some affirmations to those desires that you chose. It can be for healing, abundance, love, the list goes on. You can write this down or think about it.
  3. Put on guided mantra meditation, or grab a book to recite which mantra is best for you, there’s tons of information on youtube or google!

“The science of gratitude. How does gratitude change the brain? “

“When the brain feels gratitude, the parts of the brain that are activated include the ventral and dorsal medial pre-frontal cortex. These areas are involved in feelings of reward (the reward when stress is removed), morality, interpersonal bonding and positive social interactions, and the ability to understand what other people are thinking or feeling. “

“Gratitude also has the capacity to increase important neurochemicals. When thinking shifts from negative to positive, there is a surging of feel-good chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. These all contribute to the feelings of closeness, connection and happiness that come with gratitude.” – excerpt taken from: