Plans don’t fall through, you don’t receive that text message, that highway may be blocked and you have to take a detour, you can’t find parking, you have to wait somewhere for two more hours or maybe you drove to the store just to find out they don’t have any more of your FAVORITE face wash and let’s not forget, all of our traveling and goals for 2020 are being withheld in a pandemic… Sound oddly all too familiar?

Your reaction to these types of situations may be to become angry, sad…maybe it ruins your whole day, maybe you take it out on someone, yourself, or even the world, “oh how the world is so cruel!” You begin to tell yourself, but let us shift the inner meaning to all of this. WHY are we feeling this way? what does the inner tension come from? The need for CONTROL. I want you to take a moment to name the things that have shifted in your life, either if it’s happy or sad. Whatever it is, know that most of these things are uncontrollable and it’s only your REACTION to these situations and the way you perceive them that actually matter.

In the western world, we are taught that control = safety, it does reduce anxiety, but it does not prove to work out all of the time and you can’t control everything in your life. What we need to start doing as a whole is to surrender, surrender to what may become of the situation, to open yourself up to new possibilities, to float into life’s streams, that sometimes life doesn’t give you exactly what you want or see because it is opening up a new path for you to go too, even better path than you could even imagine, learn to trust something other than the order of things. Realize that there will always be order in chaos and chaos in order. It is the fluidity of life. That sometimes things are not always going to work how you picture it. Once you learn to surrender into the unknown, beautiful people and experiences are given the chance to arrive in your universe, but they can’t if you are always seeking in one way of looking at someone, a situation, or a specific goal.

It’s important to let life, let your intuition guide you, know that it is okay to do things out of impulse, it brings more playfulness into life and it does not require a certain age to do this, when we bring more innocence and curiosity and surrender into our lives, the concoction is elusive, you will begin to see that when you let life unfold how it is and you surrender into it, it senses the trust you are putting into it and it will bring more amazing experiences, it’s just a shift of focus, patience and the ability to deal with any situation, there are many ways you can see life. Try seeing it as a child that just wants to show you the other side, bring that quality back into your life. The current will always carry you where you want to go, it may not be what you picture, but trust that it will take you there!

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