Here are some words to soothe your mind, heart and soul.
The human mind is complex, that is for sure, and communication between others does not come in so easily for most people. Conversations become lost in translation and words are twisted with anger, rage, hate, envy and even jealousy. It helps to take a step back away from the midst of the drama and chaos and realise the actual truth of what is going on from a third perspective.
Some people are crying for help in the ways that they cannot comprehend, or they are so hurt with their own catastrophe they need someone to put the pain on. People’s suffering creates even more suffering or the people around them. I haven’t lived as long as others, but I have come across people like this throughout my life, and I have also been this person as well, and because I have been this person I understand deeply what that person or people are going through. Here are some lessons I’ve learned to maybe help you understand from another perspective:
- People let their hurt become them
- Every hero needs a villain, and sometimes that villain is actually not a villain at all, but their minds have chosen it to be so.
- Taking time to sift through emotions, that might even take weeks, days or a couple of months, we can’t automatically shift into understanding, the surface level emotions, like anger, usually always come up first and its our responsibility to sort through those bitter emotions to get to the truth actually speaking, then properly choosing to talk it out with a person or with your self.
- Letting people say what they need to themselves or to others, and if I am truly listening I can listen to the truth of what’s underneath the layers of bitterness, like envy, jealousy, or anger. I can then find sympathy easier to reach.
- Adults are just big children, and sometimes we have to understand that some haven’t developed the emotional stability others have.
- The oh so cliche, but Im becoming to realize, cliches are cliches for a reason- hurt people, hurt people.
- It is better to let go than to fight a person back, they are already fighting with themselves and I won’t win. It’s not worth winning to lose myself.
Let people be the magicians that they are and reveal themselves. Some people will walk themselves out for you to show you, you deserve better.
We don’t like to face ourselves, most of the time, but its where the most growth comes in, words mean nothing without action. Don’t let the world influence your true intentions, or harden you, there’s enough frankensteins in this world.
What if we chose to surrender to softness instead? What would that look like?
I hope this helps you in some way to surrender to your current situation and take what you can from it, hopefully in a more fruitful light. In some cases you may even find yourself to be grateful.
Neena xx