Art of Communication: Learning to respond rather than react to others (and the world around us)
We can ask ourselves the question, what is the difference is between responding and reacting? Reacting is an impulsive action – meaning there is no thought to it. In addition to this, it can be beneficial in some ways in my perspective, for example – we can react to going skydiving or taking a trip […]
Do You Want To Spend More Time with Yourself and Less with Your Phone? Now You Can!
Ring Ring,- it’s your phone notification… this time, do you decide to get back together or break up officially? I mean, who wants to be apart of the make-up break-up situation every week? It’s messy, inconvenient, and highly frustrating to begin with. We all be accountable for doing something similar to waking up with a […]
Bulletproof Recipe For Disaster: Control
Plans don’t fall through, you don’t receive that text message, that highway may be blocked and you have to take a detour, you can’t find parking, you have to wait somewhere for two more hours or maybe you drove to the store just to find out they don’t have any more of your FAVORITE face […]
Be Human Without Being Sorry
Do you constantly find yourself saying sorry for things that are just you… being you? Either in one to one socializing or maybe a social setting at a party? Maybe while you’re at dinner with a loved one, You say or do something that you think seems not “normal” so you be apologetic towards the […]
Heart Aching Agony Into Powerful Relief
PART II. Grateful what has been shown Taking that and turning it into stone For the love I gave you It was always within me This time I will not let another man be unsure of me
It’s Not Life, It’s You
Do you tend to wake up, dreading the day ahead? Are you walking around miserably barely even showing a slight hint of emotion towards anything at all? Perhaps, even Dissociating with yourself? We all go through this one point or another but, Why are we feeling this way? What is the cause? What is our […]
Stuck Between Two Worlds: (Indecisive) and How to Get Unstuck!
These two concepts make up a fraction of your life and how you choose to live it. They can break you or make you, be your friend or your enemy. If you are hard on yourself and feel like you are always under the bar with the potential you have and could be doing so […]
Under-Achieving or Over- Achieving? Both Costs Your State of Mind
These two concepts make up a fraction of your life and how you choose to live it. They can break you or make you, be your friend or your enemy. If you are hard on yourself and feel like you are always under the bar with the potential you have and could be doing so […]
Nostalgia: The Comfortability That is Attached Within
Ah, yes here it is again. You’re doing something new or trying out different tasks in life or hanging out with other people, living somewhere different than all of a sudden… that feeling of nostalgia hits you upside the head. You start thinking of where you were and how much you miss it how good […]
Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Creating New Beliefs
Do you catch yourself repeating the same mantras over and over again? What I mean by (mantra) – a word or sentence repeated frequently Let’s say every day you catch yourself repeating “I’ll never be able to_” or “I can’t have that because_” those sentences are mantras within themselves. Since you created those for yourself, […]