Do You Want To Spend More Time with Yourself and Less with Your Phone? Now You Can!

Ring Ring,- it’s your phone notification… this time, do you decide to get back together or break up officially? I mean, who wants to be apart of the make-up break-up situation every week? It’s messy, inconvenient, and highly frustrating to begin with. We all be accountable for doing something similar to waking up with a […]


self wellness

Self-wellness is one of the kindest, most caring, acts we can do for ourselves in this day and age. But the question seems to stand with different people for what it means to them and how they can benefit from it – whether it’s to boost your mental health, take you on a journey of […]

Gratitude: A Totally Free (Healthier) Caffeine Booster


Is it hard for you to get up in the mornings? It seems like no matter what you do you need some type of energy boost, you can blame the weather, the people around you or most certainly you could bash yourself for not getting enough sleep last night, but let’s face it. It’s was […]

Intention Unlocks Doors to Enchantment

intention unlocks doors

Intention– a thing intended; an aim or plan. Why is intention so important to include in everyday life? How can we make use of it? Using intention introduces you to a bond between you and the creation either in front of you or is in the process of being created. For example, you make an intention […]

Inside of The Mind: It’s Not Always Beautiful

inside of the mind

Vulnerable. That’s the word I’m going to use for this segment of my blog because not everything is exactly what it seems or what people show. I think it’s especially important now to share this with the world because I know we all feel this, I know more people out there have these taunting thoughts when […]

Wishful Thinking

Thoughts wrapped around the fingers of what is not, But it’s the thought that retains to what could be, I tighten my grip, In between each space is filled with could or could not’s, Insanity holds it all together for all the woes it may be

13 Delicate Acts To Do For Extraordinary Results Within

Delicate Acts

Drink water and make it fun, put some fruits in it, and if you like to drink coffee put extra mindfulness in it and stir it 3 times, as you do this think of the intention you’ve set for the day. Walk or run in nature and listen to classical music/jazz, whether it is raining […]

Be Human Without Being Sorry

don't apologize

Do you constantly find yourself saying sorry for things that are just you… being you? Either in one to one socializing or maybe a social setting at a party? Maybe while you’re at dinner with a loved one, You say or do something that you think seems not “normal” so you be apologetic towards the […]