Making Life Work for Us: The Truth of Real Spirituality

Make Life Work

People are always looking for their missions in life, what God has ordained for them to be, or claiming that something is their calling, better yet, we can say desire above all. What they never realise is that God has ordained no one! We are the creator of our own lives and we are the […]

A Birth That is Now Happy: A Poem for My Mother

I bless my mother’s body By blessing my own My legs develop from her in the womb I am always a part of her If I cursed her I cursed myself Woman without women A world filled with male gaze All I wanted was my mothers The beat of her heart echoes through my life […]

My Wishful Lover

Wish I knew more about you What would wishing even do? A hopelessness my mind displays Decorated in the corner with fortunes of luck And two fingers crossed, in between each, a held breath I wait and wish again Maybe one day the star will visit soon Will you see this wish in the stars […]