What even is Self – Acceptance?

Self Acceptance

A tool in the pursuit of Self-Mastery

We can recognize what self-acceptance might look like when we watch tv, movies, or perhaps even based on what we are reading, but what if we put our own definition of what it means?
I always thought of defining my own formula for matters that struck me indifferent and this is one of them. I want to share with my readers my own take on self-acceptance, although I’m sure I am getting influenced by what I have accepted in my own journey and saw myself – through reading, listening, feeling, and mostly experiencing life on a blank slate (as much as possible).
Self-acceptance is not all about accepting how you look (although when we focus on the inner world within, truly we will accept the outer). It’s more about accepting that what we have is unique, our personality, character, state of being, mindset, and thoughts that we create.

Why would we ever want to change these traits about ourselves when we can enhance our natural given qualities?

Self Acceptance means accepting all parts of ourselves, including the parts we hide from people. However, when we are alone, we unravel this bit of ourselves as a keepsake. We must ask the question: What is the meaning of hiding these parts from others? Do we think we will be judged or looked at in a way that is not how we want? Only deep self-reflection can show the truth.

It can also mean not fully understanding ourselves but trusting that we have the time and patience to uncover the mysteries we hold within. It’s as if we are holding up a mirror to the same reflection each time but noticing something different in detail. The part of accepting is that it does not matter what we have been given and it does not need to be accepted by other people. What matters is that it needs to be accepted by ourselves or we are not really living in truth. We are living in fear and constant loneliness for not letting people judge us anyway. The way I see it is, at least, we are fully and completely ourselves, so really, it is their loss for not experiencing such a beautiful way of living and existing. When we let go of the idea of striving toward perfection or to fit in someone’s ideal box checklist, we will experience that miracles tend to find their way to us when we live in love for ourselves. Therefore, we will find that within everyone else, becoming the catalyst for others to open up all parts of themselves, too.
How good would that feel?
Once we open this portal up, it can never be closed. It’s a door to goodness in all areas of life, even if there is a negative thought about people or ourselves our minds will find this wire of constructive solution and find something amazing to counter the “problem” we once had within us or others. That is why trusting and valuing ourselves is the key formula here for acceptance – Why?

Trusting ourselves We don’t need approval from others on what to do with our lives – we create it. However, we must not forget or turn away from constructive, loving, caring, criticism along the way from people we TRUST with their intentions of carrying us into the highest good – in other words, we value their input (because this is just as equally important). I always make sure that when people give me advice, what they say, they definitely mean and do not just practice what they preach. Their words carry weight. In saying this, we no longer will take advice from random strangers we have just met without understanding where they are coming from in their own life. Trusting ourselves means we live life on our own accord, knowing that wherever it may lead, it will lead to success even if it’s scary to take the first leap. Trusting ourselves is knowing ourselves to the core that what we may be doing or saying is who we really are and we don’t need to put up a facade. Let’s look at it this way: When we are being 100% ourselves, everything that is meant to be in our lives will stay – all aspects of life included. We have the no more bullshit meter handy. It is an important value to carry in our pockets today, our biggest asset.

Speaking of values, we are our most important…

Valuing ourselvesWhen we value our time, our energy, and who we are, this is when miracles happen. People and opportunities start to move towards our sphere of life. When we come across people and opportunities who don’t align, we then have the clarity to see this and can use our power and control to say no thank you! Putting a high value on ourselves in a way that is not centered on pride is what brings on the magic.
The truth is, we don’t need to try to be better, we need to accept what we have and use it to our best abilities, ultimately that will guide us into a flow state of “trying”. Rather than a push, it is a held hand walking with us.

You know yourself what you are worth in your own eyes; And to reckon up the value of external things, is not far from forgetting what manner of man he is


Remember this: We are doing something to love ourselves, not change ourselves.

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