Self-awareness is a way of life that reconstructs every boundary you put upon yourself, your world and your relationships with people. It is the platform that all you see hear and think become the very essence of becoming alive, a rebirth if you will.

Being self-aware is not your ordinary ordeal but, in today’s world, more people are becoming to understand what it actually can do for you. Imagine, you wake up one morning being in a fairytale you dreamt of all your life, all the things you romanticize about can become your reality, that being in the moment you can romanticize what you’re doing! I say this because where I’m now from where I was not even a year ago I can see with new eyes, think in a euphoric fashion and take action into where life is going. It’s the intention, the willpower and the true belief that is in your favor because it also has been.

  1. Expressing your love gratitude and appreciation. Once you start renouncing all that you have right now and all that you’re given; Ex: for being alive, for the breath that keeps you alive, your body that keeps you alive every day no matter how much you might tell yourself you don’t want to be here or how much you drink or do drugs, it still fights for you, your body loves you that much and when you do go into full details of why it’s something you should be grateful for you get a rush of ecstatic excitement and see an intriguing, mysterious side of life. Think of filling your lungs up with the sun’s radiance and love that surrounds you, then breathe out the things you think you need to let go of. How does that feel?
  2. Awareness of the way you think, act and respond to yourself and other peopleAfter you build up a well-maintained groove, then you will catch yourself saying things you didn’t realize before because they were buried beneath your thoughts consciously and subconsciously. Watch out for the “want”, “need”, “can’t” “won’t”, or “should”. Now, these are great indicators of your beliefs, the beliefs that were always rehearsing the play inside your head but, because of this heightened self-awareness, you can now begin to pick your own brain as I would like to call it! Limiting beliefs I have touched on before and I recommend you to fully take action into what these are so you can replace that old belief with a new one that better serves you. You also see how your body responds to certain situations with people or yourself, they are some triggers that you held onto that attach to some belief.
  3. You become a new person on the inside… it will manifest in the world, making a tremendous transformational impact. I say this because once you accept yourself to be involved in the self-healing journey you begin deep inner change on how you react to certain situations or people, what steps to take to benefit your own life, being more honest and upfront with how you’re feeling about yourself and others, engulfing in love and knowing how you can tap into that state gives you the power to make better decisions for your body and just by being in that state of love automatically pulls you into more things to fall in love with! You want to give more and expect nothing else but the pure feeling of joy and bliss, you want to help others, your energy begins to radiate as a light on other people and they are inspired to do the same. It’s like a magnetic pull towards new earth. So, now with all of this being said, If you’re feeling lost, scared, depressed, tired like there is no meaning of life. You must first surrender to your current situation (you don’t have to feel guilty if you’re in a place where you have everything you’ve ever wanted and still aren’t happy). It’s not outside of you or in other people, it’s what is in yourself, you must first face yourself, question, analyze and reprogram what you have been washed down with. Our minds are a computer, let’s say, you have to clear out the virus before you put any new data on there or your computer will malfunction. It’s tricky to get into it but, once you do you’re never going to stop, everything you saw as bland and boring, you now see glazed over with the most magnificent touch to it. Life becomes your own fairy tale.