Tuck away your idealisms, your dreams, your hopes, or your kingdom of heaven into your jean pocket, tight enough to keep its secrets between you two
To only forget about this heaven do you trace the edges of its soft skin later that evening and in that perfect moment do you find this kingdom of heaven in times of falsehoods and betrayal
Keep the kingdom of heaven concealed
Hiding beneath the walls that shades you from the fires of earth
Do not fret, for the courage of the lion sees you, and in that moment, bites at the faces of threat
White-widowed eight-legged beasts run from your kingdom of heaven, for it releases an intense musky, vetiver scent coming from your tired, but lively hands that once swept across your pocket creases
They shall not hold what you hold, they cannot take what you have created
Run, and sing it’s tune till you are at your last breath
Sleep now, for you are entering into your kingdom of heaven with the joys and praise of a thousand knights waiting for their king to come home