We relate the word freedom to how we choose to live our lives. The keyword is not freedom, but rather the choice, the reason for how we live. Freedom is no more than choosing from a food menu. There are choices we can pick from, yet the whole thing is designed for us based on what suits our needs. People are clueless about how life works, so they operate unconsciously, their choices are from things they have picked up from the past, which turns into the same pattern, or identification they are used to, acting out of what they have accumulated over the years. We seem to talk of free will or even liberty, but people have no control over their very own lives!

Now we can ask ourselves…What is freedom?

Karma plays a huge role in this game of life and freedom. What makes the difference? Intention. Example: saying something out of love but the other person gets hurt, that is their karma. An accumulation of it is determined by intention, not by its impact on someone else.

Karma and freedom intertwine exclusively, it’s both the lock and key to a greater understanding of life and ourselves.

Karma and freedom:

Now that we have a better understanding of how freedom and karma work together, we can now come together into creating a meaningful, true free life.

The Solution? Taking action – karma is action, after all. There are three types of actions we must take: Mind, Body, Energy.

This means we must step into the blissful dimension of life, where karma can not take place or does not hold space. In this place, we are conscious and fully aware of the patterns we have been in a cycle of, meaning, the things we keep telling ourselves and others every day. We must become sufficiently self-aware that we break the bonds we hold and begin to question ourselves. Self-examination is necessary and the beliefs/ideologies we hold dear to us must be questioned and observed Thoroughly. We can do this by becoming an observer to ourselves: How do we react in every situation? How are we feeling in this moment compared to the next? What triggers us? What makes us feel good even if it does not make sense to us? What makes us feel not so good even if it does not make sense? These codings go back from way beyond our time because of what was left behind from our ancestors. It sounds mad, but there is science behind the madness! That’s why it’s extremely important in this lifetime to take back our freedom and control, for the freedom of others as well. We know that energy can not be destroyed, therefore we must recycle old energy and turn it into a space that delves in true freedom.

Are we living according to someone else? Or are we actually living by our own code? How can we start today to live by our own code? What does it look like to us? These questions may take time to answer because there are many, hence we must ask day by day or when we become conscious of it, once we do become conscious we can do a self check in mentally by default which will guide our life into our true self. This is absolutely necessary if we want to live in real freedom, away from what society tells us, our families or friends. It’s always up to us individually to take a turn into what our own path is. The outside world will have no effect on what it means to live a free life if we take that mental turn today inside of ourselves.