Something that comes with a part of life is “dealing” with or in better words, adapting to, any kind of situation that comes forward. A problem can approach us in the manifestation of a person or where we are and what we are doing. Thus, We have choices to make… We need to change the way we look at things and stand our ground in a way where our energy is not drained nor deteriorated from other people’s way of speaking or doing. Even the slightest shift of energy from certain people can make us want to crawl back into our shells. Let’s be honest, we sometimes can’t retreat back into our shells at any given moment. However, these techniques will become our little secret, our kryptonite, and our savior we can pull out whenever worst comes to worst!

1.Knowing what our belief is, how we look at people and the world around us:

When we have a strong belief that is centered and focused around unconditional love, nothing can shatter that belief, for love is the most powerful force in this universe. For example, when stuck in a situation where people are judging someone else or they could be judging us, we hold this belief of love so true in our hearts to the core, that we know how other people speak have nothing to do with us, and more so uncovers more about them instead. This gives us a chance to send them love and helps us understand the world and how people may operate in it. Understanding gives us a chance of salvation, to be there for them silently, and to show compassion for all beings around us.

2. Inner Confidence:

Having the complete inner wholeness within us is what real confidence is and what outer confidence stems from. We can be confident by tapping into this center. For example, because of our wholeness, nothing around us can drain us, for we hold that kryptonite that we know ourselves so well that no one could make us feel any different by words or actions.

3. Learning to say no internally and externally:

This one is a bit hard for most people because society tells us it is rude to act or be a certain way, but when we feel like we are slipping away from the world around us and who we truely are, we must stand up for ourselves and others in these situations. If we are uncomfortable, we must excuse ourselves in a way that best fits our needs. We can say “no, thank you” internally, then the energy will shift and work with us to help us find the solution to also leave externally – remembering that there is always a solution to every problem. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do or agree upon. It is fully in our control to step away from people or the surroundings we find ourselves in…When we give up our control, who are we giving it up too?

It’s important to tune into our own bodies and see how we are feeling in every moment. We must respect ourselves.

Tip: Start setting boundaries with yourself, and others with more honest communication, that way we don’t have to lie or compromise our needs to suit others life

4. This one is for the people who have practiced mantra: Reciting a Mantra internally

Om Gan Ganpataye Namo Namah – A mantra from the Lord, Gesha who removed obstacles and negative energy from people’s lives (Try doing this mantra every day for 41 days).

Mantra helps us slip into a meditative state of mind and calms our nerves, letting us see the truth in situations and seeing it in more understanding light. This can give us a boost of confidence and wholeness within. Melting away all that does not serve our purpose in life. Practice this whenever in a tough or toxic environment.

Tip: We can add a visualisation into the mantra by a pink orb coming through our heart and spreading throughout our body and the environment we are in, we can even send this orb to others.

Let me know how you found this and if you have used any of the above to help you.

May you be filled with peace, love and joy.
