People are always looking for their missions in life, what God has ordained for them to be, or claiming that something is their calling, better yet, we can say desire above all. What they never realise is that God has ordained no one! We are the creator of our own lives and we are the creators of how we choose to live. This belief in itself is liberation from one’s own mind and the norm of society. People like to build a false sense of self by claiming that what they do is divinely created by something else rather than themselves. We have to abandon these implications we have put upon ourselves as it can burden the truth of what really is behind those weights.

The question we must ask ourselves is “If we did not have the benefits of doing what we do today out of recognition and the benefits it might sow physically, would we still do it?

Sacrifice can play an important role in what we are talking about when we are speaking about the ambiance of life. Now sacrifice does not necessarily mean giving up something for something in return. Sacrifice means to give up something needlessly. How does this play in the role of making life work for us? We might ask…The basis of life is to be involved in whatever process you are currently in, not the overall product. The point is to immerse ourselves completely in the journey. We can do this by having a deep sense of love towards something or somebody, even in the act of whatever we are currently doing, for example: Making a meal, walking, and even a simple act like looking up at the sky. It’s like being in a romantic relationship, to become so immersed in the feeling of love. When we are in this way, in love with something, everything else does not seem to matter to us but, that one object. It becomes much easier to drop the attitude of doing something for a product of another, it’s also how we can disengage our karmas.

The burden and curse we have on modern society are how we all try to be like someone else, or how we look up to someone else, and even to compete with others. Those who act without expectation are now considered losers of this society… But, this is not the whole truth for everyone, it’s is only if we make it seem so in our own minds. It is up to us to stick with our own unique truth of what it means to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. If we simply enjoy doing something wholeheartedly without any expectation of outside sources telling us how we should or will feel, we will never suffer.

We can see our life as an expression of happiness, not from the byproduct of what we are doing to gain happiness… During that glimpse of eternal bliss, nothing else will matter, and the things that do matter do not have to make sense to others. That is our own personal coding of our lives.

To act out of immersion and not ruling for domination

All humans have to take action no matter what, that is the way life has made us humans live since the beginning of time, but how we choose to act is how we develop our own sense of self and how we can impact the world around us. If we choose to take the path of service, we decide that no matter the activity that we are doing, that we can dedicate ourselves to fully be immersed in that action, without any expectations. We can see ourselves from then on transform inward, Therefore, outwardly creating that effect upon others. When we do things from love and nothing else there is a certain energy that we feel around us all of the time that can never be broken, once we discover this type of feeling, it can never fully go away, it’s almost in a way a blessing in disguise! This action is possible for anyone! We can choose to engage with life but not to be knotted up by it. We think that to rule can be one of the greatest powers, but we do not realise that we are always going to be fighting, we are always going to be wary of someone or something stealing away our self-created throne. However, Once this mindset of pure bliss and love kicks off, our very own life process is an offering – an offering to not only ourselves but the world around us.

When we begin to taste the deeper joy of this inward journey from self-healing and develop this sense of awareness about the world and ourselves, everything else can seem like minor distractions or even toys that we used to play with.

In conclusion to the way we can make life work for us, we must see that we do not need any sort of ritual, device, or person to make this possible. Our lives are that very expression of love and joy. Every little action that we begin to take is that expression within itself, we become that which is what we choose.