Do you constantly find yourself saying sorry for things that are just you… being you? Either in one to one socializing or maybe a social setting at a party? Maybe while you’re at dinner with a loved one, You say or do something that you think seems not “normal” so you be apologetic towards the action which was in the first place, just you being genuine. Or do you find yourself feeling judged for acting the way you do so you try to hide yourself away from this cold, unfair world? Or do you criticize yourself to the point where you are over-analyzing every.single.situation? Cheers, because you’re not the only one!

What if I told you the world isn’t as cold and judgemental and frightening as we make it to be? That it is all actually in your head (at times), the overthinking, that is. What if I told you that you could walk away, in power from the people who make you feel sorry for being yourself? (If this is the case). Do you believe it is possible? Of course, we have some free will at hand here. It’s pleasing to know we can dissect different points of view from this subject to get to the solution rather than focusing solely on the problem.

  1. To process whether you are actually being judged by yourself or the person– that is up to you to feel into if the person is constantly nagging or nitpicking about your behavior/personality, when it’s not in a good reason too, for example, You’re sitting having a chat, you laugh at something, or you’re mad at something, so you express those emotions, the person tells you to quit it and stop being mad or that your laugh is annoying. That is what I mean, by nitpicking. Now, if this person has not said anything relevantly close to this, but maybe you think that they made a funny facial expression, that they might think of you differently…This is you judging yourself.
  2. Realize that if people can’t accept you for who you are, that is really not your problem, it never was and for people to make us think we have to act or behave a certain way are delusional in their own self, Don’t amend yourself to adjust to the lesser mentality of others.
  3. They judge you because they are insecure and afraid of themselves. To be you takes a lot of courage in this world. Everyone is always playing one game or another, in relationships, in friendships, work-life, you name it. When you bring real to the table that startles people because they don’t know how to do it, so they try to take others down with them, this is a trick you do not want to fall into, you’re not a lamb being pulled by a Shepherd, you are your own person, whatever you feel the need to express at that moment, do so, and don’t apologize for it!
  4. This one’s for you, my over-analyzing, and over thinkers…Relax into the moment, count your breath, express, express, and express again, there is no need to overthink what you should have done differently or could of or shouldn’t of. It’s a waste of time and detrimental to your health. You are beautiful, you are worthy of love and acceptance from yourself, wherever and whoever you choose to be in this life, please do it with full passion because, in truth, more than 80% of the world are confused fish swimming in bowls bumping from each side of the glass from time to time. It’s okay to feel and express. It’s okay to be human.

Accept yourself and other people will accept themselves too, it’s all apart of the healing journey we are on. The right people will be magnetic towards you, it will be like a breath of fresh air, to find people who are just understanding and always true to themselves. Accelerate upwards, don’t meet people where they are, make a path of truth so that other people can also step into!