We all strive to get out of our heads and live life the way we have always imagined. The only thing that seems to be the problem is well, our own minds. How can we cultivate true peace within ourselves and get out of our own way? We shift our thinking! Once we shift our minds, we start to act how we feel. Everything is created from thought, if we don’t believe this just look around. Can we find anything that doesn’t stem from just a thought that manifested itself into a reality? That’s just what manifestation is…A product of thought is created into our physical reality, it’s not some voodoo only created for people who are “gifted”. Anyone can do this. It takes habits and awareness to shift into this newly created life for ourselves. We must break down layers upon layers and years of what we kept feeding ourselves through our thought processes. Remember that thoughts are the trigger to our emotions, the longer we let that emotion fuel itself, the longer it stays. We must take care of our mind and make sure it is a sacred place to live.

What is a Mindset Shift?

It’s a shift in perspective and attitude towards ourselves and others including the world around us. It’s a shift because once your mind regathers this new information, it develops new eyes, new ears, new focus!

Here are some important and vital shifts we can integrate into our life right now. No crystals, no rituals, no incense needed, just full and utter attention and intention.

  1. We are the creators of our own lives. We choose everyday what we accept and don’t accept. It’s our own free will, we can choose who we want to become everyday and that’s such a freeing feeling, if we don’t want to do something because it doesn’t feel right, we do not have too, by any circustances. We can live by our own accord, not by others.

2. The only judgment that matters in this world is our own. If we choose to keep listening to the judgment or opinions of others we will always be chained to someone else’s idea of ourselves. We can test this in a social environment. Are people actually saying these things or are we placing the judgment on ourselves and blaming it on others? Instead of wondering if people will like us, we can ask if we will like them. That way it shifts all power into us! We can learn to develop self awareness to see these thought patterns:https://providingtruth.com/self-awareness-is-more-important-than-you-think-heres-why/

3. There are many paths to the same accomplishment. Thinking just one straight path will lead us to “failure” or “success” is making an all or no exception rule to ourselves. If it isn’t achieved it can lead us to fail. We cannot fail if we open up our minds to other opportunities and accept that there can be many paths we might not even know of that can take us on the greatest journey there is to our goals and dreams. We can imagine that life has this same mindset for itself; When we are climbing mountains, walking different paths on a hike and stumbling across mud, rain, flowers, grass, rocks…Enjoying where we are and knowing we will eventually get to where we see ourselves is the the ultimate act of surrender!

4. We are not an hourglass waiting for the correct time correlation. It is made up, yes all of it. Letting go of this imaginary timeline, thinking we need to do or be this in this amount of time or be somewhere in that is just an illusion. We will always get to where we want, if we always decided to be and do at a certain amount of time, it would leave no mystery, no fun or no experiences we even considered, we can learn to relax and let life surprise us, this one ties into the third but its important to take a step back that we’re doing the best we possibly can with the knowledge that we have right now. We must give ourselves the credit and love we deserve.

5. Seeing things as fear based or growth based mindsets. We can look at something that we are trying to set a goals towards and watch what our minds thought process is through starting or working on that goal. If it’s fear based then you might think “I am not good enough for this yet” or “I’ll never be as good as so and so”…The list goes on. If it’s a growth mindset it will sounds like something like this “I am working towards something I know I can handle” or “I may not know this, but there’s always room everyday to learn what I need”. The truth of the matter is not whether we’re good enough, it’s how we percieve life itself. This is the power that we hold within ourself and what works to change our own world.

I think one of the most powerful tools we can learn to use is our minds and our bodies together, working in harmonious function. We can find this by learning ourselves and improving everyday, to become curious about ourselves and the life around us and how we operate. Life then becomes a great process and work of art, full of endless opportunities.

Let me know how you get on with these shifts and please dont hesitate to tell me your experiences or even if you just need someone to talk to!
